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Showing posts from June, 2023


  BREAST CANCER SERIES 1: Knowing The Breasts The breasts are secondary sex characteristics of females but are also present in rudimentary form in males. The female breasts begin to develop during puberty due to the production of the hormone estrogen and growth hormones.  The breast is a modified  sweat gland. The breast consist of  mammary gland , which is made up of a number of ducts and secretory lobules. Each  lobule  is made of tiny, hollow sacs called  alveoli , which drain into a single  lactiferous duct  (milk duct). The milk  duct serves as the passageway of the milk from the lobules to the tiny holes in the  nipple . The dark area of skin surrounding  the nipple is known as the  areola . Newborns do not see quite well so the areola which becomes darker after birth helps them find their source of food. This illustration shows major parts of the human female breasts. The mammary  glands  are lined by cell...