Understanding HIV/AIDS- Part 2 Signs and symptoms of HIV/AIDS Signs and symptoms of HIV/AIDS The symptoms of HIV/AIDS depends on the individual and the stage of the disease. The following are the stages of HIV infection as well as the signs and symptoms. Stage 1: Acute At this stage, the virus may not be detected and the number of CD4 cells in a milliliter of blood is around 800, so most people may be asymptomatic, that is, they may not experience any signs and symptoms. If you experience any of the signs and symptoms, it does not necessarily mean that you have been infected with HIV, this is because other diseases may present with similar symptoms. However, if you think you may have been exposed to the virus, get an HIV test done. Within a month of HIV infection, some people experience flu-like symptoms including; Fever, Chills, Rash, Night sweats, Muscle aches, Sore throat, Fatigue Swollen lymph nodes, and Mouth ulcers. Stage 2: Chronic At this stage, the viral load increases a...