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Showing posts from December, 2017

Merry christmas

Medicine keys#3

We are all involved!

Medicine keys #2

Like chess, malaria is played with a few pieces, but is capable of an infinite variety of situations"(Hackett1937).  Four pieces comprise the malaria system:the vector, the parasite,the human, and the environment . Let us join hands in the fight to eradicate malaria!


Poverty's punishment  It is  indeed an alliteration of 'Ps' Because  poverty punishes with impunity And though i didn't commit any punishable crime My first cry  at the labour ward  was at the crack of poverty's  cruel whip Did i say labour ward? Forgive me , but it was at home, In a thatch roofed mud hut which buzzed with mosquitoes at night Because poverty  the ruthless tyrant dictated to my parents where i was to be born Home ! , he ordered Not hospital No wonder i ended up an epitome of all these disorders :Rickets,kwashiokor, night blindness and stunted growth Now i know that the simplest cure to all these was to have been born in a common 'hospital' But poverty denied me this  'cheap' cure He fractured my femur and gave me that horrible gait,which pays me with rejection no matter how hard i chase acceptance He stole all my food and drove me to retarded growth and diseases Worst of all he separated 'them'...